Why Rhinophalt?®

Rhinophalt® is an investment not a cost. It produce outcomes-extending the life of the surfaces of asphalt infrastructure as well as reducing costs and maintaining condition.

The last decade has seen a significant shift in focus towards investing in infrastructure as a means of helping boost the economy. As well as more consistent funding for major infrastructure projects over £27.4bn will be spent by Highways England over the next five years to include £14 billion worth of projects to deliver more than 50 road upgrades as well as a further £1 billion on broader road projects.

There has been more money for local roads too, with more local authorities moving toward more proactive, longer-term maintenance programmes. Owners and manager of airports and other airfields have the responsibility to ensure their runways and taxiways are kept in the best condition at all times.

The Government has committed billions to other large infrastructure projects across the UK over the next few years.

Whether the asset you own, manage or maintain is a road, airfield, test track, bridge or commercial carpark, Rhinophalt® asphalt preservation-the original, authentic and trusted source of surface preservation around the globe can help protect surface condition, keeping it in a better condition for longer-protecting and preserving the value of your investment in that asset.

By preserving the asphalt surface with Rhinophalt® and protecting the pavement, making it last longer, is one of the most sustainable asphalt maintenance systems available. Extending the life of the surface course by up to 100% reduces the number of times you need to resurface as well as reduce reactive maintenance. Sustainability through preservation conserves the valuable mineral resources and fossil fuel binders.

The key benefits of using Rhinophalt® asphalt preservation:

  • The world’s leading and trusted preservation technology-using the original and authentic American Gilsonite as its core ingredient
  • Cost effective-asphalt preservation treatment could double the surface life for half the cost compared to resurfacing
  • Provides a cost-effective alternative to surface dressing-where this isn’t the preferred option.
  • Can work alongside any surface treatment
  • Helps add value to any highway or asset management programme
  • Helps with life cycle planning and for roads, the Incentive Funding Band 3 objectives.
  • Provides safe, invisible working-up to 30,000m² can be treated per shift via quiet night-time working.
  • Only one site visit is necessary and no aftercare or remedials are required.
  • Breaks the deterioration cycle
  • Provides enhanced aesthetics that are visible to users and voters
  • More than 90% carbon savings can be achieved compared to resurfacing
  • Rhinophalt® is a preventative maintenance treatment for all asphalt which preserves, protects and extends the life of the asphalt infrastructure and is proven to withstand all extreme weather conditions. Applied to the asphalt surface and penetrates through micro-cracks and interconnecting voids to form a hard seal, keeping water out and slowing the ageing process.
  • RHiNOPHALT® contains a natural asphalt, Gilsonite, which is a mineral antioxidant and is a key component in preventing asphalt deterioration caused by oxidation of the bitumen. Gilsonite resin is much harder than bitumen – it is an antioxidant that reinforces, seals and strengthens the surface course and slows down asphalt ageing.
  • RHINOPHALT® is also a highly-engineered asphalt preservation system, meeting requirements of clause 950 in the Specification for Highway Works and carries a HAPAS certification and CE Mark.

Technical & Safety Document

Rhinophalt® is an investment not a cost. It produce outcomes-extending the life of the surfaces of infrastructure as well as reducing costs and maintaining condition.

Operational benefits:

  • The road characteristics are retained-this is especially important
  • Rhinophalt® asphalt preservation is ideal for late season working-can be applied in October/November (weather dependent) in the UK. Overseas it may be possible to apply all year round depending on climatic conditions.
  • Application is safe. Work only requires a three man crew-keeping road workers safe and is also ideal for social distancing and no compaction plant
  • No Iron work lifting is required
  • Existing kerb heights are maintained
  • No additional weight-important especially for treatment on bridge structures
  • Existing road surface profile retained
  • Reduces the demand for high PSV aggregates
  • Utility friendly-can be resealed following utility work
  • Does not prevent any other treatments in the life cycle process from being used-helps green and light amber roads in good condition for longer

Your Rhinophalt® Journey begins here

Over the last few year's our asphalt preservation webinars have given several local authorities and other organisations a true insight into the benefits of Rhinophalt®, asphalt preservation in the UK and around the globe.

The webinars go into detail about why preservation is important and the benefits of using Rhinophalt®, they explain the simple and cost-effective application process and why it is important to use a trusted, original and authentic source of asphalt preservation.

Interested in a FREE webinar on the benefits of preservation?


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work for you?
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